How American Exceptionalism Robs Haiti

Haiti has been hit with another earthquake just weeks after the assassination of their President. As the world struggles to find ways to help one thing has become clear: the condescending Euro-centric model of aid has very little to offer.

On this week’s episode of Black Diplomats host Terrell Starr welcomes Emma Ashford to talk about what the world community has gotten right in Haiti, where we’ve gone off course, and what we’re supposed to do now. This conversation isn’t just about the dollars and cents, they get into deep philosophical questions like reparations and what it means to feel safe.


Emma Ashford

Emma Ashford is a resident senior fellow with the New American Engagement Initiative in the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, which focuses on challenging the prevailing assumptions governing US foreign policy and seeks to develop effective solutions that preserve America’s security and prosperity. Her work focuses on questions of grand strategy, international security, and the future of US foreign policy. She has expertise in the politics of Russia, Europe, and the Middle East.

Follow Emma on Twitter to read her newest work.


Black & Queer in Central Asia (aka Twerking in Kyrgyzstan)


Producer’s Note