Impeaching White Supremacy with Pam Keith

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Pam Keith has a unique perspective from growing up in Turkey, Morocco, Syria, Brazil, and several U.S. cities, as the daughter of Ambassador Kenton Keith. She was an Officer in the Navy and a lawyer with some of the largest firms in the nation, before running for Congress from the 18th district in Florida.

Host Terrell Starr has lots of questions! Their conversation went for more than two hours, so we’ve broken it up into two parts.

In part one, they start by talking about the white supremacist insurrection on January 6th, and why Keith thinks there were so many members of the armed forces in the crowd. Starr also asks about the impeachment process, and the chance of a conviction. Keith believes the process of impeachment has outlived its usefulness, and has some thoughts on what could replace it.

This episode of Black Diplomats is a deep dive on the state of America, with two seasoned analysts who have no fear.

Thank you for listening!


Turning Florida Blue with Pam Keith


Rethinking America with Malcolm Nance